Thursday 2 October 2014


I have decided that this blog has got to end, and now should be the time. It is very difficult to blog every morning. I hope you enjoyed my previous 131 entries. Goodbye.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirty-one, October First

The sound that cars make when you have windows open. It is very unpleasant to be trapped in a high-speed car where people insist on having the widows open. Not only does it make noise, but also makes it really windy. It is hard to appreciate the music as well because you lose a lot of sound, and can't hear it very well. Close the windows and turn up the AC if possible.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirty, September Thirtieth

All the really bad variations of Oh Canada played on the announcements every morning. I'm sure this applies in other countries as well. If they just sticked to the standard version, it would be more tolerable, but we have to listen to country, reggae, dance, and many more mixes of this song that sound terrible. It was not meant to be played in those genres, and the production is always really awful. If you have to play the national anthem, at least play a standard one.

Monday 29 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-nine, September Twenty-ninth

How people often talk about Kurt Cobain as a hero of music. He was at best an average musician, and really was not nearly as accomplished as many others of his time. Sure, it's sad that he died, but that's about all I can comfortably say. I don't really understand this fame he has been given as a "god of good music". It just doesn't make sense.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-eight, September Twenty-eight

Fake vintage stuff. There is no pointing putting fake wear on things to make them look old. It is obviously fake but it is still very common. It is better to just make things look perfect, and not fake the wear, the wear will happen itself over time and will look real.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-seven, September Twenty-seventh

When people clap along to live music. It doesn't add anything to the sound, and sounds stupid. The musician can often be thrown of as well as crowds are not particularly talented at keeping a beat. It is a dumb practice that has been popular for ages. Every time it happens, I feel badly for the musician because they do not deserve it. It will definitely decrease the quality of their performance.

Friday 26 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-six, September Twenty-sixth

When teachers give you hand-outs without holes punched. It is very irresponsible, as it makes it way more likely that you will loose the page. It will become a free-floating page in your binder,  at is almost guaranteed to get crumpled and lost. It is not that much work to take the whole stack to the hole-puncher before you hand them out, and is in the interests of everyone.