Monday 30 June 2014

Day Ninety-one, June Thirtieth

Pre cut cheese. It is a waste of money, and usually is pretty low quality. Why you would pay the extra money to get cheese sliced is a mystery to me, because it pretty easy to cut your own cheese, and doesn't take that much effort. It is way to expensive, and should never be bought, as it is wasting your money.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Day Ninety, June Twenty-ninth

When people take photos with their iPads. It is really weird, seeing as the screen is much larger than the camera. Also, they can get in the way of whatever they are taking a picture of, which might be something that you want to see. iPads were not designed as cameras, and the camera was supposed to be an accessory, but some people decide to treat it as a camera. I guess it is okay if you have no alternative, but it is kind of annoying.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day Eighty-nine, June Twenty-eighth

Dollar stores. Dollar stores sell the worst quality items, that usually are not functional. Although the prices are appealing, nothing in there is worth it because it is all of such low quality (with the exception of food). Dollar stores also smell awful, and make you feel sick. There should be standards for the air quality inside stores, and they should be closed if they do not meet it. Anyways, dollar stores are awful places, and should be avoided at all costs.

Friday 27 June 2014

Day Eighty-eight, June Twenty-seven

Gas lawnmowers on small urban lawn. Why would you use a gas lawnmower on a small lawn, where it is really not needed? A push mower would be just as easy, and would disturb the neighbours much less. Gas lawnmowers on small lawns cost more, create more noise, and harm the environment.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Day Eighty-seven, June Twenty-sixth

When people think it okay to squish images. Distorted images are not okay, and are one of the most annoying things in life. It makes it difficult to concentrate on the content of the image, because too much thought is going into hating on the person who squished it in the first place. It can make a perfectly good image completely useless, and unusable. It is better to have an image that doesn't quite fit in the desired space then to squish it to fit in the space.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day Eighty-six, June Twenty-fifth

Erasers on the back of pencils. These work for about twenty seconds, then completely disappear. You end up trying to erase with either a very dried out eraser, which leaves marks on your page, or with the eraser barely sticking out of the metal, so you end up scratching the paper. It would honestly be better if pencils did not have erasers on the back, so you wouldn't be tempted to use them.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Day Eighty-five, June Twenty-fourth

Telemarketers. I hate when I pick up the phone to answer to someone who barely speaks english telling me about an amazing new product or a prize I have won. Their efforts will never work on me, because as soon I pick up the phone and realize that it is not someone that I am interested in talking to, I ignore anything they have to say. Telemarketers make me scared to pick up the phone, and should be banned.

Monday 23 June 2014

Day Eighty-four, June Twenty-third

Non-regulation "frisbees." Nothing is more annoying that picking up a disc and throwing it around when it is the wrong weight and size. They do not fly normally, and are effected immensely by the wind. All discs that do not not weight 175 grams should be melted down to create real, correctly weighted discs.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Day Eighty-three, June Twenty-second

Ridiculous fonts. Using them should always be avoided, as these are not legible, and make it unpleasant to read. People are much less likely to read what you are trying to say, and will hate you. Stick to the following list (plus similar fonts): Times New Roman, Helvetica, and Arial for best results. It is very easy to avoid, and never needs to happen.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Day Eighty-two, June Twenty-first

When the bottoms of jeans get wet. This is extremely uncomfortable, and happens all the time. Whenever it rains, or even snows, and you are wearing jeans, they are almost guaranteed to get wet. You are miserable for the rest of the day, and cannot focus on anything, because of the wet cloth against your leg. This alone is an argument against wearing jeans.

Friday 20 June 2014

Day Eighty-one, June Twentieth

When people recieve a call or text and ask you if you reconize the number. Ninety-nine percent of the time you do not. I can remember my own number, and nothing else, and if it was me calling/texting then I would know. Canada 411 offers a service that allows you to search a number, and find the name and adress. This service can answer your question much better than I can, guaranteed, so don't bother.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Day Eighty, June Nineteenth

When audio is out of sync. This is very annoying, as it makes anything much more difficult to understand or enjoy. It is fairly common on YouTube videos, which is awful, and should really be fixed. It makes what could be a good video unbearable to watch, wasting all the energy that went into it. When making a video, make sure you take the extra time to perfectly sync your audio and video.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day Seventy-nine, June Eighteenth

When people talk or make noises when watching movies. It ruins the atmosphere, and is usually not necessary. It is much more pleasant if everyone is completely quite, so you can enjoy the movie. Laughing should not be something that is done out loud, as it really does need to be. Most sounds related to emotions demonstrated during movies are completely fake, so why would you do them? Just shut up.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day Seventy-eight, June Seventeenth

Special K and Rice Krispies. Both these products make for awful breakfasts. They are way too light, and just float to the top, it is hard to get them to mix with the milk as it is being poured in. This causes you to pour way too much milk, to try and accommodate the steadily rising serial. This is a hopeless battle, and you end up with a large, separated bowl of cereal. Both these cereals also go bad quite quickly. If you don't eat them fast enough (which I never do, as they are bad cereals) they start to become quite stale, rendering them inedible. There are many better cereals out there.

Monday 16 June 2014

Day Seventy-seven, June Sixteenth

People who worry too much about exams. They are really not that big of a deal, and aren't that hard. If you have actually been paying attention in class, there should not really be a reason to study. You definitely don't need several hours every night in the week preceding. This is overkill. Relax and take the exam, it works fine.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Day Seventy-six, June Fifteenth

When things require log in through Facebook. Websites or apps often ask you to do this, which is very annoying, as I never want these things to post on my behalf or something like that. There are loopholes that you can sometimes use like making posts visible to only you. It is still always better to sign in through something else though, or create an account through an email.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Day Seventy-five, June Fourteenth

Soccer players diving. It is very annoying to see people overreact to minor contact. Soccer players are even worse, as they are all pretty physically fit people, and not seriously injured very easily. This "diving" wastes time and is unpleasant for fans. There should be much harsher penalties for faking injuries.

Friday 13 June 2014

Day Seventy-four, June Thirteenth

How soccer fans are so loud/how broadcasting companies mix soccer games badly. If you watch a 
World Cup game on television, you immediately get turned off because of the volume of the background noise. It is almost unbearable, because the fans are so loud. After the first five or ten minutes, you get used to it and your brain blocks it out, but broadcasters should make an effort to make watching a soccer game as pleasant as possible, which currently, it is not.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day Seventy-three, June Twelfth

Single-ply toilet paper. This only exists in public bathrooms, because they are too cheap to buy anything useful. Single-ply toilet doesn't even fulfil its function. It usually breaks off, and feels very uncomfortable. This is probably the number one reason that I avoid public bathrooms. It would be smart for them to provide more adequate toilet paper, as it would improve their approval greatly. It's definitely worth the extra bit of money to upgrade from single-ply to at least double-ply.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day Seventy-two, June Eleventh

Christmas lights at any time of year other than christmas time. It's understandable if you leave them up because you are too lazy to take them down, but when they are turned on, it is not okay. They are incredibly ugly and distracting, and remind you of christmas, which is generally something which is only tolerable to think about for about one month per year. Having christmas lights in a room will often cause a conversation about christmas to spark, or even, in extreme cases, cause people to break out into song, which is seriously not okay. Take them down or at the very least leave them off.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day Seventy-one, June Tenth

Tea. Why do people drink this lame, and flavourless beverage? Honesty, it just tastes like hot water. There is no real difference, and yet people drink it all the time, and even pay large amounts of money for it, when they could just take less than 1 cent worth of tap water and heat it up, causing the same effect.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day Seventy, June Nineth

Websites with horizontal scrolling. This is an awful feature that luckily, is getting less common. It's loss of popularity does not mean that it is okay. It is still incredibly annoying. To be fair, often it is not entirely the website's fault, as it was not designed for a screen as small as yours. Websites should be somewhat responsible for any size of screen though. Scroll wheels are not designed to go sideways, and sculling horizontally adds another element to reading a website which is annoying and confusing. On computers, it is definitely less common, but on phones, almost every website will require zooming in and scrolling in all directions unless it is mobile friendly.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Day Sixty-nine, June Eighth

White backgrounds on images. This is one of the most annoying things ever. People often take images off the webs and put them into projects or presentations without removing the white background. It looks awful, and doesn't blend in at all with the background. It is fairly easy to solve by using photoshop, or an online service (links below). Every minute you spend removing backgrounds is a very valuable minute, as it makes a huge difference.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day Sixty-eight, June Seventh

Those really tough stickers on top of new DVDs/Blurays, and CDs. They are way too difficult to get off and slow down the process of watching a new movie by a considerable amount. They don't peel off when you get started, but rather break apart into smaller stickers, making the effort useless. The only efficient way to open them is to use a knife, but then the sticker is still there, right overtop of the case, and can sometimes interfere wight he cover. These stickers should be abolished.

Friday 6 June 2014

Day Sixty-seven, June Sixth

When cashiers give you your receipt with your money. You are then forced to awkwardly separate them, usually with only one hand, as you are holding the purchased item. It would be much easier if they handed the change, gave you a chance to put it somewhere, then gave you the receipt. This is a very common and simple mistake that cashiers make, and differentiates a good cashier from a bad one.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Day Sixty-six, June Fifth

Having to stand for the national anthem. I understand that it is a way of showing love for you country. I really like my country, and respect it, but do not see the need to stand up and listen to a boring song for two minutes every day. It's not a very straightforward way to show love of one's country.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day Sixty-five, June Fourth

How not all classes have exams. Exams should be a part of any course. Lately, fewer and fewer high school courses have exams, which means that more projects have to be assigned to cover the percentage of the mark that would be usually covered by exams. This is much more work, and is not very effective at finding out how good someone is at the subject. In an exam, you can prove your knowledge, but on a big project, you can only show how hard you work. This has to be changed.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day Sixty-four, June Third

When you have to sleep somewhere without a digital clock with red numbers. This is a crucial device to sleep, because it can be checked almost without waking up, which is nice. The lights do not need to be turned on, and you don't have to actually do anything, just open your eyes slightly, and point your head in the right general direction. It makes sure that you don't wake up too early or too late. Without one, you constantly have to check the time during the night in some other means, causing a bad night of sleep.

Monday 2 June 2014

Day Sixty-three, June Second

Password requirements. It should be up to the user of the service whether or not they include numbers, symbols, or capitals. Every site having different requirements makes it hard to guess a password, because you don't know whether it includes these things, or if it common password that you use with added symbols. The website shouldn't care if your account is secure, as long as you can access it. Being locked out of an account really sucks. If every account had no requirements, you could have only four or five passwords, rather than four or five with four or five variants each.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Day Sixty-two, June First

How Adobe products cost so much. Why do they have to make their excellent software so expensive. It would make the world a better place if people could afford to use Photoshop instead of Paint. Or Premier Pro instead of Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. The prices are ridiculous, and unaffordable for any young person. The only people who can afford them are people who require them for their job or rich old people who aren't even able to turn on a computer. I am not criticizing the product, I just request that Adobe lowers their prices.