Wednesday 9 July 2014

Day One Hundred, July Nineth

Blogging everyday. It is very tedious and takes up an extraordinarily large amount of time. I feel like I really need a break from pouring my ideas into this blog everyday. In September, this blog will return for 50 more annoyances. Thank you to all my followers for their support and interest.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Day Ninety-nine, July Eighth

Gardening. Why do people put so much effort into an entirely aesthetic thing. It is very unpleasant, boring work without any significant reward other than a few compliments here and there. In the time when you were gardening, you could have gotten large amounts of things done, and could have saved all the money that would have been spent on equipment and plants. Even vegetable gardens seem somewhat pointless (although they are preferred) as the rewards do not nearly equal the work and money you put in. An hour spent gardening is an hour wasted.

Monday 7 July 2014

Day Ninety-eight, July Seventh

How Google forces you to use Google+. I understand that Google+ is probably an excellent social network, but it was not a success and should have been given up on a while ago. Youtube is now completely integrated with it, so commenting on videos or posting videos automatically posts to you Google+. The new texting app for Google phones is now also completely integrated, and is confusing, as you often have two contacts for the same person (Google+ and Text) and can easily contact the wrong one by accident. They should realize that no one is ever going to use their software, and give us all a break.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Day Ninety-seven, July Sixth

Folding maps. They never fold properly, and are extremely confusing. Almost every map is differently designed, making it impossible to become good at it. Road maps in general shouldn't be used, they are too much of a hassle, as GPS' and Google Maps printouts are so much easier. They would be tolerable if they were easy to fold, but that is not the case.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Day Ninety-sixth, July Fifth

Dirty keyboards. It is very unpleasant to have to type on a keyboard where the cracks in between the keys are filled with crumbs, and the keys themselves are covered with dirt or grease. It is not hard to keep food away form the keyboard, and wash you hands before use. It makes it very hard to type without thinking about the disgusting nature of the panel of buttons right below your fingertips. Keep your keyboard clean, and you will live a much happier life.

Friday 4 July 2014

Day Ninety-five, July Fourth

When people say that they have been "hacked" on Facebook. This is seldom the case, as usually, they just left their Facebook open and someone else posted something. This is not at all being "hacked". That would require someone gaining access through your account through means other than finding it open. It is the wrong term, and anyone who uses it is misinformed.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Day Ninety-four, July Third

When you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Either you can disrupt your rest by walking to the bathroom, or sleep badly as a result of suppressing your natural inclinations to dispose of human waste. This is a huge dilemma, which often causes you to sleep worse, as you are trying to make the decision all night. There is no correct choice. Either is unpleasant. It is definitely worth it it to make your best effort to relieve yourself before you go to sleep to avoid this situation all together.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Day Ninety-three, July Second

When you get too many emails from something you signed up for. Some websites that you voluntarily sign up to receive emails from abuse the privilege, and as a result, lose your interest or support. Email lists should be used in moderation, as it is unpleasant to have your inbox filled with dumb emails.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Day Ninety-two, July First

Clamshell Packaging. This type of packaging is incredibly hard to open, and is pointless. It should never be used, as it is annoying, bad for the environment, and can create very sharp and painful edges once cut. I imagine that there are a fair number of injuries every year attributed to clamshell packaging. There are easy alternatives which are just as effective.