Tuesday 30 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirty, September Thirtieth

All the really bad variations of Oh Canada played on the announcements every morning. I'm sure this applies in other countries as well. If they just sticked to the standard version, it would be more tolerable, but we have to listen to country, reggae, dance, and many more mixes of this song that sound terrible. It was not meant to be played in those genres, and the production is always really awful. If you have to play the national anthem, at least play a standard one.

Monday 29 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-nine, September Twenty-ninth

How people often talk about Kurt Cobain as a hero of music. He was at best an average musician, and really was not nearly as accomplished as many others of his time. Sure, it's sad that he died, but that's about all I can comfortably say. I don't really understand this fame he has been given as a "god of good music". It just doesn't make sense.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-eight, September Twenty-eight

Fake vintage stuff. There is no pointing putting fake wear on things to make them look old. It is obviously fake but it is still very common. It is better to just make things look perfect, and not fake the wear, the wear will happen itself over time and will look real.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-seven, September Twenty-seventh

When people clap along to live music. It doesn't add anything to the sound, and sounds stupid. The musician can often be thrown of as well as crowds are not particularly talented at keeping a beat. It is a dumb practice that has been popular for ages. Every time it happens, I feel badly for the musician because they do not deserve it. It will definitely decrease the quality of their performance.

Friday 26 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-six, September Twenty-sixth

When teachers give you hand-outs without holes punched. It is very irresponsible, as it makes it way more likely that you will loose the page. It will become a free-floating page in your binder,  at is almost guaranteed to get crumpled and lost. It is not that much work to take the whole stack to the hole-puncher before you hand them out, and is in the interests of everyone.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-five, September Twenty-fifth

The Suzuki violin program. Every kid in the world on this program learns the same songs. If you are in a household where this is the case, the songs start to blend together. I can no longer distinguish one song from another, because they have all formed one long category of songs in my mind the is "Suzuki music". If I have a mental breakdown, this will most likely have been the cause.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-four, September Twenty-fourth

When people laugh at their own jokes. If you are the only one laughing, what you said was most likely not funny. It is also almost entirely fake laughter, which is just dumb. It is a very irritating practice to anyone who has to observe it.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-three, September Twenty-third

Obsession with Disney movies. Why do people continue to care about these boring animated movies years after they have left the desired demographic of the movies? I don't really understand the obsession, because there are plenty of movies with better plots, better production, and better music. Maybe you enjoyed them when you were under ten year old, but they really should have left your life by the age of 13.

Monday 22 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-two, September Twenty-second

Having to play dumb card/board games with kids. It sucks. I never want to have to play any game that anyone under the age of eight can understand. Also, you cannot be competitive, because you are supposed to let them win. This defeats the purpose of a game, but isn't too hard with the games you end up playing since the outcome is left entirely up to chance anyways.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-one, September Twenty-first

When you read a recipe and late on you realize that it takes 24 hours or more. Recipes should warn in advance about how long it takes to make the recipe so you don't end up having to rush it last minute and disobey the instructions. Recipes could also be laid out as a timeline, making it very clear immediately how long it would take. We need more advance notice.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty, September Twentieth

When people don't know what racism is. If you are describing someone, and you say that they are black, then you are not being racist at all. Some people will call you out after this and say that what you said was racist. You can tell them that they are wrong. Racism is when you form an opinion or distinguish someone as inferior based on their race. Not when you are using their race as a descriptive term.

Friday 19 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Nineteen, September Nineteenth

Small cutlery. Why would you ever want to eat with a smaller piece of cutlery? It is entirely useless. What is worse is when people only have small cutlery and you are forced to use it. Its small handle is awkward and the functional end is completely useless. Eating soup or cereal with a small spoon is an awful experience that I would not recommend to anyone.You might as well just get normally sized utensils instead.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eighteen, September Eighteenth

How there are so many different things at the beginning of a book. You can often find prologues, forewords, prefaces, introductions, author's notes, and many other useless mini chapters that I ignore. Why do there have to be so many? I do not know the difference between them and find them all very dry and boring. All that stuff should be available in a separate edition or online, but not in the standard print copy since no one cares.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Seventeen, September Seventeenth

Pre-grated parmesan cheese sold in containers. It tastes absolutely nothing the real thing. Regular parmesan cheese is a good addition to many dishes, but the pre-grated is comparable to adding wood chips to your meal. They taste awful and soak up moisture. Go for the real thing, it's much better.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Sixteen, September Sixteenth

When shower heads aren't high enough. I'm not even that tall a person but I still find this an issue. When they aren't high enough you routinely hit your head, and have to duck down to get your hair wet. It is an issue and could be easily fixed, but it seems that the "standard" height must have been determined in an historical period or region where people are on average shorter.

Monday 15 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Fifteen, September Fifteenth

When switches turn on both lights and fan. I like to be able to customize my setup. Also, fans are very loud and can be irritating. Switches should control the two separately, but definitely not together,  as it eliminates the possibility of only one of the features at a time.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Fourteen, September Fourteenth

When people open your door and don't close it on the way out. This is very rude, and forces you, even though you were not involved in the opening of the door, to go and close it. The first thing that someone should think when entering a room is "how open is this door?" You should take this into account and close it to the extent to which it was closed before. Sometimes people care whether or not their door is open. Be considerate.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirteen, September Thirteenth

When light switches aren't in the obvious spot. There is nothing more awkward than groping around in the dark to find a light switch. There is a standard spot, but it is not always used. Also sometimes, it is at the wrong height, which would completely throw you off. Just put it in the right spot.

Day One-Hundred and Twelve, September Twelth

How there are so many volume controls when listening to music. It is very confusing, as there is often several on your computer and one on your amp. You never want any one of them to be too low, or too high just in case you switch to a different volume control which blasts it. It is a dangerous and precarious system, that has a simple solution. One volume control.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eleven, September Eleventh

How on the radio they cut off the ends of songs. The recording artist and producer decided to end a song the way they did for a reason. If you cut off the end, you do not get the whole experience of the song. If not for this, I would consider sometimes listening to the radio. They are losing an audience and therefore money because of this dumb practice.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Ten, September Tenth

How puzzles always have such low-resolution images. It would make them much more pleasant to do if the image was sharper, but it never seems to be. Any given piece is usually just a blur of colours, which makes it much harder as well. What you are looking for is never exactly what is on the piece. The technology exists to improve this. There are plenty of high-resolution images and plenty of printers that could make it work much better.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Nine, September Nineth

When people spend too much time building up to throwing dice. It does nothing to improve your chances of rolling better numbers and does nothing but waste more time of observers of the already boring activity. No one wants to see you shaking your fists for ten seconds. It just makes you look like an idiot who does't understand how dice work.

Monday 8 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eight, September Eighth

How the lengths of movies are not very visible. One of the most important pieces of information on a movie, the length, is always very small on the case, and is never easy to find. It should even be visible with the lights off, as that's often when you are looking are looking for it. Just make it bigger and in a standardized location.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Seven, September Seventh

Sunscreen containers. There is always a risk that the buttons will accidentally be pressed, and the sunscreen will leak everywhere. This is a faulty design. It should be standard to have a screw top, because they are much more secure.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Six, September Sixth

Badly-spaced stairs. Often, you encounter a set of stairs which is spread out very badly. You end up with the stars way to far apart, which makes it difficult to climb them because of the large steps needed. Stairs should have a standard ratio, because too many of them are strange, and therefore difficult.

Friday 5 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Five, September Fifth

How some microwaves have a "time" button which you have to press before entering in the time for which you will microwave the food. This is completely useless, and causes confusion. The assumption is when you press a number button, you are entering in a time, and if you wanted to use a different mode, you could press that button. Often you walk up to an unfamiliar microwave and enter a time, to yield no results, as you had not yet gone through the completely stupid step of indicating to the microwave that you were indeed interested in using the time function. Microwave designers should step their game up, and stop making stupid errors.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Four, September Fourth

Having to write things out by hand. This old fashioned technique of notating ideas in very tedious and slow. It is much more efficient to write things out on a computer, where exhaustion is much less common. Also, it is much easier to correct and edit typed work, as you can readjust where things are on a page, whereas on paper, things are where you originally put them and there is no easy or good-looking way to change that. Other than short notes, all written material should be done on a computer.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Three, September Third

The word "spicy". It should mean a food with lots of spices, but people use it to describe a particular sharp flavour. The word "hot" is also inadequate because it can also be describing the temperature of the food in question. The English language needs a new word for this, because both of the most common ones used are no good.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Two, September Second

When music is playing quietly in the background. You are aware of its presence but can not appreciate it fully. Even when it is bad music, or music of a style that you dislike, it can be more annoying than when it is loud. Make sure that you music is audible. This rule is especially relevant in cars, where the stereo is sometimes naturally quieter in the back seats, and the people in the front are oblivious to the volume in the back.

Monday 1 September 2014

Day One Hundred and One, September First

I'm back with fifty more annoyances!

The abundance of flavours of toothpaste. All of them have very non memorable and similar names, but are very different in taste. I can never remember if I prefer "clean mint" or "fresh mint" or any of the others. This can sometimes leave me with a less than satisfactory tube of toothpaste, which is very unpleasant.