Saturday 31 May 2014

Day Sixty-one, May Thirty-first

People who leave time on the microwave. It's not okay to cancel your microwave and not reset it. It is very rude, and makes it difficult on the next person. It is really your responsibility to make sure that the microwave is completely ready for the next person.

Friday 30 May 2014

Day Sixty, May Thirtieth

Sports interviews. When has an athlete ever had anything interesting to say? They always say the same thing, that they will go out and play hard and do their best. This is a very boring message, and there is not need to hear it as often as it is played, as it is the expectation that you would go and play hard and do your best. No athletes ever think of anything creative or different to say when they get the opportunity. I think it would increase ad revenue during breaks if the interviews were engaging, keeping you at the TV, actually watching. They should really change the way they go about these interviews. It is not just the interviewee's fault, the interviewer also asks dumb and boring questions.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Day Fifty-nine, May Twenty-nineth

People who haven't seen the latest MC Dirtbag video. Trust me, it's worth it.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Day Fifty-eight, May Twenty-eighth

How there are never enough USB ports. I always find that i am wishing that my computer had more of them. Mine only has four, which is more than many computers, but still not enough. There should be at least six on any computer. On my computer, I have at least three permanently plugged in, a printer, a dvd/cd drive, and a cable for my phone or other micro-usb device. This leaves room for only one memory key, camera cable, or whatever else is needed. This is an impractical system that needs to be fixed.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day Fifty-seven, May Twenty-seventh

When people blame refs for losing sporting events. It usually is not their fault, and whatever call the "missed" would not have made a real impact. This is just an excuse for bad play, and not deserving to win the game. After any major sports event, if you go to the city where people support the losing side, I guarantee that they will be talking about the bad refereeing, regardless of whether or not the refereeing was acceptable. People just don't like to admit that their team lost in an even match.

Monday 26 May 2014

Day Fifty-six, May Twenty-sixth

Flutes. Why would anybody play this lame, and painful instrument? It can play way too high, higher than where the legal limit should be. It makes you cringe. It's so small and has such a lame, boring sound. I have no respect for flutes. It should be banned, or at least contained to quarantined rooms.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Day Fifty-five, May Twenty-fifth

When you have to sit on the floor. There are no comfortable positions on the floor, except for lying down, which is generally not acceptable. A couple minutes is tolerable, but any more does not work, as your knees start to hurt and you can't stand it anymore. Why can't people allow you to sit on a chair, or stand up, which are much more comfortable and natural positions?

Saturday 24 May 2014

Day Fifty-four, May Twenty-fourth

When you wear a hat for too long. Eventually, you stop being able to detect whether or not you are still wearing a hat. You have to reach up and check, which is kind of awkward. It engrains the shape of the hat into you head and takes a long time to recover.

Friday 23 May 2014

Day Fifty-three, May Twenty-third

Being woken up. It is fine if can wake yourself up, because there is no startling moment. You get out of bed when you are ready. Alarm clocks cause anxiety, and are very unpleasant to wake up to. I understand that if you need to wake up at an unreasonable hour, it could be useful, but how could you stand it every day? Waking yourself up is much better for your sleep.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Day Fifty-two, May Twenty-second

When people are late. Why do people think that is okay to arrive at a destination later than you were expected? It is not. When people are late, you have to be prepared, but just have to wait, ready at any moment. It also makes it close to impossible to plan things, because you never know when they are going to start. When I am going to be late, I start sprinting, be cause I have an obligation at a certain place at a certain time. Im am expected to be there. Almost everyone ignores this important rule.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day Fifty-one, May Twenty-first

Try-hards. These people who devote hundreds of out of school hours working on schoolwork are always annoying. They ruin the system. School should measure how smart you are, but these people throw off the scale, because someone of average intelligence can study and do homework so that they appear  higher than they actually are. They also annoy me because they take everything too seriously, and study for everything, even when it is not necessary. They don't realize what matters and what does not. If you are one of these people, improve your life and that of those around you by stopping studying and doing too much in the way of homework and projects.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day Fifty, May Twentieth

White glue. How do people tolerate using this messy, inefficient method of attaching things together?It is a very weak adhesive, and smells awful. The mechanism on any glue bottle after about a day is guaranteed to be completely clogged. It also gets everywhere except where you want it, causing a mess. It makes paper look weird. Anything is better than white glue in terms of adhesives.

Monday 19 May 2014

Day Forty-nine, May Nineteenth

How people expect me to know all my types of eggs. There are so many, and if you do not really eat any of them, you don't really end up learning them. I mostly just eat scrambled eggs, so I have no real reason to learn any other types. The names are also quite confusing, because they are not obvious. For example, why is it called an easy-over? Scrambled eggs are scrambled. That makes sense. No one should expect me to know my types of eggs. Also, they should be named better.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Day Forty-eight, May Eighteenth

Key signatures with lots of sharps. Why would you torture musicians by forcing them to play in very undesirable keys? Sharps are much worse than flats because no one likes them. Flats appeal to trombones, tubas, and flutes, but no one would have reason to prefer a sharp. The exact key is kind of irrelevant. Don't put a song in F#, when you could take it down a semi-tone and play it in F, which is a very appealing key.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Day Forty-seven, May Seventeenth

Things that start late. Why wouldn't they just start earlier. Everyone would be more attentive and then could go home after and sleep for a reasonable number of hours. It doesn't make sense, yet people insist on it.

Friday 16 May 2014

Day Forty-six, May Sixteenth

Walking with slow people. This makes it impossible to get anywhere at a reasonable speed. Some people do not understand the desire to move quickly. You want to speed up, but you know that that would be rude. When alone, I walk at 8-9 kph, which is quite fast, and I am willing to walk at 5-6, but anything slower is ridiculous, and I might as well walk separately, so I don't get so annoyed. I advise all the slow people out there to speed up.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Day Forty-five, May Fifteenth

When websites don't list prices for items, in accessible places. If I was doing research on an item, than I would like to know the price, which is almost never available on their own official website. I would have to go to Amazon or something like that to find the price, which is a pain because it is easy to mix up the American and Canadian prices, and all the information that you might find on a different site is not available. It would simplify everything if the original website listed an estimate of the price, so you could know what to expect.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day Forty-four, May Fourteenth

Notifications about properly ejecting a USB key. My research has concluded that it does no real damage unless the device is in the process of transferring files. This is usually not the case. Why do they spam us with these annoying messages when there is no risk?

Monday 12 May 2014

Day Forty-three, May Thirteenth

Miracle Whip. This common condiment is completely disgusting, and has no place anywhere near food. It should be banned, as when applied, ruins whatever it touches. This causes waste of perfectly good food. Real mayonnaise, or even your standard Hellman's, taste quite good and are a good addition to almost any sandwich. Miracle whip should not be classified as mayonnaise, because it is completely different, and infinitely more revolting.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Day Forty-two, May Twelfth

The very limited and out of date choices for reading material in high school. The books in the curriculum have not changed for more than fifty years, causing all of them to be no longer relevant. They bore students and make them hate English. Especially Shakespeare. All the others are only one book, and can be dealt with, but having to read shakespeare for four years straight is hell. It makes it easy for students (and teachers) to not read the books because it is so easy to find resources online. If there were no required books, people would actually have to read them and it wouldn't be so boring. No one wants to have to read the same crap as every other student in North America.

Day Forty-one, May Eleventh

When pencil leads are off centre. If you have an off-centre pencil, you should throw it out, since it will just cause you harm. Sharpening does little, and won't help make it useable. The little bit of wood on the side prevents the lead from making contact with the paper, which defeats the purpose of a pencil. Off-centre pencils are garbage, and more measures should be taken to avoid them in manufacturing.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Day Forty, May Tenth

When I forget to write my blog until the afternoon. This happens regularly, and is a serious problem, as my loyal followers have no chance to read their daily dose of annoyance until it is too late. My followers deserve better than that. I will try to change my ways.

Friday 9 May 2014

Day Thirty-nine, May Ninth

Bad sound quality, and people who claim that they can't notice it. This is a common issue because it is everywhere. Wherever you go, you will see people not questioning the devices with awful sound quality which they are voluntarily using. How can you not tell the difference between a nice pair of headphones and a stock pair of earbuds. If you have never really experienced high-quality audio equipment, you should try something better, because I guarantee that you music will sound much better. Don't tell me that you don't notice it unless you are legitimately deaf, because you are lying to yourself to avoid a monetary investment.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Day Thirty-eight, May Eighth

Pets. What is the appeal of having an extra thing to deal with every day? I have never had one, but it seems that it would be ay to much work, with no benefit. Animals are also quite intimidating, and would make one less comfortable in their own house, which is not a good thing.  So many people take on this unnecessary chore, and then get hooked. Pets are like a drug. If you had never had one in the first place, your life would be better. Don't give in to the pressure, it's not worth it.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day Thirty-seven, May Seventh

Songwriters and DJs don't get any credit for songs. Today, in the world of hip-hop and pop music, the vocalists/rappers get all the credit when really, they do much less work then the people behind the scenes. The songwriters are what make the song catchy, not the front man. The DJs and recording engineers do almost all of the work on the recording, because the beats take a lot of work, and so does all the mastering of the recording. In a pop song, it is expected that the singer will sing out of tune, and the recording engineer has to manually tune all the notes. These behind the scenes people deserve more credit.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Day Thirty-six, May Sixth

The little bit of water on top of mugs after they have been on top of the dishwasher. When you are emptying the dishwasher, and are very dry and warm, a splash of cold water will suddenly hit you. This is caused by bad design on the part of mug manufacturers. They are designed so that when they are upside-down, they collect a puddle of water, that usually goes unnoticed until it spills. IKEA has dealt with this problem (as depicted below) on most of their mugs, showing their superiority over all other mug manufacturers. This is a serious issue which should be addressed.

Monday 5 May 2014

Day Thirty-five, May Fifth

When people order a coffee or a dessert after a restaurant meal. It slows down the whole process, and forces you to stay at the table for another 20 minutes. There is always someone at the table who wants to leave after the meal or someone waiting for the table. Once you have devoted an hour to a restaurant meal that should be enough, and everyone should respect that it is time to go. Don't be the person who wastes everyone's time.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Day Thirty-four, May Fourth

Coffee addicts. So many people have serious addictions to this seemingly harmless, but very powerful drug. It is a serious problem, that effects many people, who don't even question it. Many people say that they "can't do anything until they have their coffee," which shows their extreme dependance. It is also quite expensive, because many people spend several dollars a day, without thinking that the expense could be cut completely. More annoying than the people who ruin their own lives with coffee, are the people who won't shut up about it, and promote the drug to others. Kids are getting hooked at ridiculously young ages, because they think it makes them mature. If not banned outright, coffee should only be served to ages 18 or older. As for the side effects, coffee can cause strokes, heart disease, and can damage blood vessels. The dangers are not a joke. Take a minute to think how dependant you are on this substance, and try to eliminate it from your life all together.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Day Thirty-three, May Third

When people don't know how to properly deal cards. Cards are dealt face down, one at a time, in a clockwise manner. Anything other than this is wrong. Often you see people counting out a given number of cards and giving them all to one person, and repeating until everyone has cards. This makes it likely that people will have not randomized hands, because of clumps of similar cards from previous games that have managed to stick together through the shuffling phase. If you are going to play cards, you should know how to deal because not only does it look bad, but it can ruin the game.

Friday 2 May 2014

Day Thirty-two, May Second

Having to know people's ages/birthdays. I don't see a reason why I should have to know some irrelevant number related to the birth of my family. I am proud to say that before being told this morning, I would not have know that it was my own sister's birthday or how old she was. These dates and numbers mean nothing, and have no place in my brain, because they are unimportant. There should be no pressure to memorize any of them.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Day Thirty-one, May First

Screen savers. Why can't the monitor just turn off? Screen savers do nothing but distract people and waste electricity. There is no need for colourful pixels to dance around on your screen. Screen savers are interesting to watch, but waste a lot of time. They seem cool, but then you realize what you have been looking at for several minutes. Screen savers do not save the screen. What saves the screen is turning the monitor off when it is inactive.