Friday 11 April 2014

Day Eleven, April Eleventh

The very broad range of things that people classify as a salad. Salad is a term that could make sense. People could use it to describe savory mixtures of leafy greens with a somewhat acidic dressing served at room temperature. This is not the case though, and people will be willing to call almost anything a salad. The situation is getting out of control. When someone says that there will be a salad available, that could range anywhere from a bowl of pasta, that is really no different from normal pasta to a mixture of fruits, that are sweet, with little or no dressing. You might also find a large jello dish filled with odd items such as pretzels, vegetables, and mayonnaise. The term is becoming much too general, and is is becoming to understand what anybody means anymore. One cannot claim that they like salads, because at this point in the history of gastronomy, pretty much anything can be a salad. Try to avoid calling your weird foods salads because it really throws people off.

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