Thursday 24 April 2014

Day Twenty-four, April Twenty-fourth

Websites with "slideshows." Sometimes, when looking for a list of top 10s or something of that nature, you are forced to go to one of these sites. They start you on the last and least important slide and make you go through many webpages to get the first one. Every time you click the next arrow, it redirects you to a completely different page, boosting their views enormously, so they can make more on a advertising. Once you reach the end, you usually have not found what you were looking for, but you have to press "back" multiple times to get back to your search. Also, usually, when you are done a slideshow, if you accidentally press the arrow again, it sends you to a completely unrelated, and often embarrassing slideshow. After all this is done, their website has earned a spot on your top sites, because you have been to so many of their pages. Why don't they just make it one page?

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