Monday 7 April 2014

Day Seven, April Seventh

The Source. This excuse for a store offers possibly the biggest ripoffs ever. For example, if you go in to buy a female-to-female 1/8th inch audio cord, then you will end up paying at least 25$ for a piece of crap, that might only work for a year. If you were to buy the same cord online, you could probably get a higher quality one for less than a dollar. Now why would you shop at The Source? Even if you need the item right then, it is somehow cheaper to go to a higher end store, whether it be a store that stocks thousand dollar stereos, or builds custom PC's with quality in mind, I can guarantee that you will find something much better for less. People seem to not realize this ridiculousness, and waste hundreds of dollars every year. I think a boycott is called for until they cut all their prices on accessories to 90% off or thereabouts.

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