Thursday 2 October 2014


I have decided that this blog has got to end, and now should be the time. It is very difficult to blog every morning. I hope you enjoyed my previous 131 entries. Goodbye.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirty-one, October First

The sound that cars make when you have windows open. It is very unpleasant to be trapped in a high-speed car where people insist on having the widows open. Not only does it make noise, but also makes it really windy. It is hard to appreciate the music as well because you lose a lot of sound, and can't hear it very well. Close the windows and turn up the AC if possible.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirty, September Thirtieth

All the really bad variations of Oh Canada played on the announcements every morning. I'm sure this applies in other countries as well. If they just sticked to the standard version, it would be more tolerable, but we have to listen to country, reggae, dance, and many more mixes of this song that sound terrible. It was not meant to be played in those genres, and the production is always really awful. If you have to play the national anthem, at least play a standard one.

Monday 29 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-nine, September Twenty-ninth

How people often talk about Kurt Cobain as a hero of music. He was at best an average musician, and really was not nearly as accomplished as many others of his time. Sure, it's sad that he died, but that's about all I can comfortably say. I don't really understand this fame he has been given as a "god of good music". It just doesn't make sense.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-eight, September Twenty-eight

Fake vintage stuff. There is no pointing putting fake wear on things to make them look old. It is obviously fake but it is still very common. It is better to just make things look perfect, and not fake the wear, the wear will happen itself over time and will look real.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-seven, September Twenty-seventh

When people clap along to live music. It doesn't add anything to the sound, and sounds stupid. The musician can often be thrown of as well as crowds are not particularly talented at keeping a beat. It is a dumb practice that has been popular for ages. Every time it happens, I feel badly for the musician because they do not deserve it. It will definitely decrease the quality of their performance.

Friday 26 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-six, September Twenty-sixth

When teachers give you hand-outs without holes punched. It is very irresponsible, as it makes it way more likely that you will loose the page. It will become a free-floating page in your binder,  at is almost guaranteed to get crumpled and lost. It is not that much work to take the whole stack to the hole-puncher before you hand them out, and is in the interests of everyone.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-five, September Twenty-fifth

The Suzuki violin program. Every kid in the world on this program learns the same songs. If you are in a household where this is the case, the songs start to blend together. I can no longer distinguish one song from another, because they have all formed one long category of songs in my mind the is "Suzuki music". If I have a mental breakdown, this will most likely have been the cause.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-four, September Twenty-fourth

When people laugh at their own jokes. If you are the only one laughing, what you said was most likely not funny. It is also almost entirely fake laughter, which is just dumb. It is a very irritating practice to anyone who has to observe it.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-three, September Twenty-third

Obsession with Disney movies. Why do people continue to care about these boring animated movies years after they have left the desired demographic of the movies? I don't really understand the obsession, because there are plenty of movies with better plots, better production, and better music. Maybe you enjoyed them when you were under ten year old, but they really should have left your life by the age of 13.

Monday 22 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-two, September Twenty-second

Having to play dumb card/board games with kids. It sucks. I never want to have to play any game that anyone under the age of eight can understand. Also, you cannot be competitive, because you are supposed to let them win. This defeats the purpose of a game, but isn't too hard with the games you end up playing since the outcome is left entirely up to chance anyways.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty-one, September Twenty-first

When you read a recipe and late on you realize that it takes 24 hours or more. Recipes should warn in advance about how long it takes to make the recipe so you don't end up having to rush it last minute and disobey the instructions. Recipes could also be laid out as a timeline, making it very clear immediately how long it would take. We need more advance notice.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Twenty, September Twentieth

When people don't know what racism is. If you are describing someone, and you say that they are black, then you are not being racist at all. Some people will call you out after this and say that what you said was racist. You can tell them that they are wrong. Racism is when you form an opinion or distinguish someone as inferior based on their race. Not when you are using their race as a descriptive term.

Friday 19 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Nineteen, September Nineteenth

Small cutlery. Why would you ever want to eat with a smaller piece of cutlery? It is entirely useless. What is worse is when people only have small cutlery and you are forced to use it. Its small handle is awkward and the functional end is completely useless. Eating soup or cereal with a small spoon is an awful experience that I would not recommend to anyone.You might as well just get normally sized utensils instead.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eighteen, September Eighteenth

How there are so many different things at the beginning of a book. You can often find prologues, forewords, prefaces, introductions, author's notes, and many other useless mini chapters that I ignore. Why do there have to be so many? I do not know the difference between them and find them all very dry and boring. All that stuff should be available in a separate edition or online, but not in the standard print copy since no one cares.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Seventeen, September Seventeenth

Pre-grated parmesan cheese sold in containers. It tastes absolutely nothing the real thing. Regular parmesan cheese is a good addition to many dishes, but the pre-grated is comparable to adding wood chips to your meal. They taste awful and soak up moisture. Go for the real thing, it's much better.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Sixteen, September Sixteenth

When shower heads aren't high enough. I'm not even that tall a person but I still find this an issue. When they aren't high enough you routinely hit your head, and have to duck down to get your hair wet. It is an issue and could be easily fixed, but it seems that the "standard" height must have been determined in an historical period or region where people are on average shorter.

Monday 15 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Fifteen, September Fifteenth

When switches turn on both lights and fan. I like to be able to customize my setup. Also, fans are very loud and can be irritating. Switches should control the two separately, but definitely not together,  as it eliminates the possibility of only one of the features at a time.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Fourteen, September Fourteenth

When people open your door and don't close it on the way out. This is very rude, and forces you, even though you were not involved in the opening of the door, to go and close it. The first thing that someone should think when entering a room is "how open is this door?" You should take this into account and close it to the extent to which it was closed before. Sometimes people care whether or not their door is open. Be considerate.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Thirteen, September Thirteenth

When light switches aren't in the obvious spot. There is nothing more awkward than groping around in the dark to find a light switch. There is a standard spot, but it is not always used. Also sometimes, it is at the wrong height, which would completely throw you off. Just put it in the right spot.

Day One-Hundred and Twelve, September Twelth

How there are so many volume controls when listening to music. It is very confusing, as there is often several on your computer and one on your amp. You never want any one of them to be too low, or too high just in case you switch to a different volume control which blasts it. It is a dangerous and precarious system, that has a simple solution. One volume control.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eleven, September Eleventh

How on the radio they cut off the ends of songs. The recording artist and producer decided to end a song the way they did for a reason. If you cut off the end, you do not get the whole experience of the song. If not for this, I would consider sometimes listening to the radio. They are losing an audience and therefore money because of this dumb practice.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Ten, September Tenth

How puzzles always have such low-resolution images. It would make them much more pleasant to do if the image was sharper, but it never seems to be. Any given piece is usually just a blur of colours, which makes it much harder as well. What you are looking for is never exactly what is on the piece. The technology exists to improve this. There are plenty of high-resolution images and plenty of printers that could make it work much better.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Nine, September Nineth

When people spend too much time building up to throwing dice. It does nothing to improve your chances of rolling better numbers and does nothing but waste more time of observers of the already boring activity. No one wants to see you shaking your fists for ten seconds. It just makes you look like an idiot who does't understand how dice work.

Monday 8 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Eight, September Eighth

How the lengths of movies are not very visible. One of the most important pieces of information on a movie, the length, is always very small on the case, and is never easy to find. It should even be visible with the lights off, as that's often when you are looking are looking for it. Just make it bigger and in a standardized location.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Seven, September Seventh

Sunscreen containers. There is always a risk that the buttons will accidentally be pressed, and the sunscreen will leak everywhere. This is a faulty design. It should be standard to have a screw top, because they are much more secure.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Six, September Sixth

Badly-spaced stairs. Often, you encounter a set of stairs which is spread out very badly. You end up with the stars way to far apart, which makes it difficult to climb them because of the large steps needed. Stairs should have a standard ratio, because too many of them are strange, and therefore difficult.

Friday 5 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Five, September Fifth

How some microwaves have a "time" button which you have to press before entering in the time for which you will microwave the food. This is completely useless, and causes confusion. The assumption is when you press a number button, you are entering in a time, and if you wanted to use a different mode, you could press that button. Often you walk up to an unfamiliar microwave and enter a time, to yield no results, as you had not yet gone through the completely stupid step of indicating to the microwave that you were indeed interested in using the time function. Microwave designers should step their game up, and stop making stupid errors.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Four, September Fourth

Having to write things out by hand. This old fashioned technique of notating ideas in very tedious and slow. It is much more efficient to write things out on a computer, where exhaustion is much less common. Also, it is much easier to correct and edit typed work, as you can readjust where things are on a page, whereas on paper, things are where you originally put them and there is no easy or good-looking way to change that. Other than short notes, all written material should be done on a computer.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Three, September Third

The word "spicy". It should mean a food with lots of spices, but people use it to describe a particular sharp flavour. The word "hot" is also inadequate because it can also be describing the temperature of the food in question. The English language needs a new word for this, because both of the most common ones used are no good.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Day One Hundred and Two, September Second

When music is playing quietly in the background. You are aware of its presence but can not appreciate it fully. Even when it is bad music, or music of a style that you dislike, it can be more annoying than when it is loud. Make sure that you music is audible. This rule is especially relevant in cars, where the stereo is sometimes naturally quieter in the back seats, and the people in the front are oblivious to the volume in the back.

Monday 1 September 2014

Day One Hundred and One, September First

I'm back with fifty more annoyances!

The abundance of flavours of toothpaste. All of them have very non memorable and similar names, but are very different in taste. I can never remember if I prefer "clean mint" or "fresh mint" or any of the others. This can sometimes leave me with a less than satisfactory tube of toothpaste, which is very unpleasant.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Day One Hundred, July Nineth

Blogging everyday. It is very tedious and takes up an extraordinarily large amount of time. I feel like I really need a break from pouring my ideas into this blog everyday. In September, this blog will return for 50 more annoyances. Thank you to all my followers for their support and interest.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Day Ninety-nine, July Eighth

Gardening. Why do people put so much effort into an entirely aesthetic thing. It is very unpleasant, boring work without any significant reward other than a few compliments here and there. In the time when you were gardening, you could have gotten large amounts of things done, and could have saved all the money that would have been spent on equipment and plants. Even vegetable gardens seem somewhat pointless (although they are preferred) as the rewards do not nearly equal the work and money you put in. An hour spent gardening is an hour wasted.

Monday 7 July 2014

Day Ninety-eight, July Seventh

How Google forces you to use Google+. I understand that Google+ is probably an excellent social network, but it was not a success and should have been given up on a while ago. Youtube is now completely integrated with it, so commenting on videos or posting videos automatically posts to you Google+. The new texting app for Google phones is now also completely integrated, and is confusing, as you often have two contacts for the same person (Google+ and Text) and can easily contact the wrong one by accident. They should realize that no one is ever going to use their software, and give us all a break.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Day Ninety-seven, July Sixth

Folding maps. They never fold properly, and are extremely confusing. Almost every map is differently designed, making it impossible to become good at it. Road maps in general shouldn't be used, they are too much of a hassle, as GPS' and Google Maps printouts are so much easier. They would be tolerable if they were easy to fold, but that is not the case.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Day Ninety-sixth, July Fifth

Dirty keyboards. It is very unpleasant to have to type on a keyboard where the cracks in between the keys are filled with crumbs, and the keys themselves are covered with dirt or grease. It is not hard to keep food away form the keyboard, and wash you hands before use. It makes it very hard to type without thinking about the disgusting nature of the panel of buttons right below your fingertips. Keep your keyboard clean, and you will live a much happier life.

Friday 4 July 2014

Day Ninety-five, July Fourth

When people say that they have been "hacked" on Facebook. This is seldom the case, as usually, they just left their Facebook open and someone else posted something. This is not at all being "hacked". That would require someone gaining access through your account through means other than finding it open. It is the wrong term, and anyone who uses it is misinformed.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Day Ninety-four, July Third

When you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Either you can disrupt your rest by walking to the bathroom, or sleep badly as a result of suppressing your natural inclinations to dispose of human waste. This is a huge dilemma, which often causes you to sleep worse, as you are trying to make the decision all night. There is no correct choice. Either is unpleasant. It is definitely worth it it to make your best effort to relieve yourself before you go to sleep to avoid this situation all together.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Day Ninety-three, July Second

When you get too many emails from something you signed up for. Some websites that you voluntarily sign up to receive emails from abuse the privilege, and as a result, lose your interest or support. Email lists should be used in moderation, as it is unpleasant to have your inbox filled with dumb emails.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Day Ninety-two, July First

Clamshell Packaging. This type of packaging is incredibly hard to open, and is pointless. It should never be used, as it is annoying, bad for the environment, and can create very sharp and painful edges once cut. I imagine that there are a fair number of injuries every year attributed to clamshell packaging. There are easy alternatives which are just as effective.

Monday 30 June 2014

Day Ninety-one, June Thirtieth

Pre cut cheese. It is a waste of money, and usually is pretty low quality. Why you would pay the extra money to get cheese sliced is a mystery to me, because it pretty easy to cut your own cheese, and doesn't take that much effort. It is way to expensive, and should never be bought, as it is wasting your money.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Day Ninety, June Twenty-ninth

When people take photos with their iPads. It is really weird, seeing as the screen is much larger than the camera. Also, they can get in the way of whatever they are taking a picture of, which might be something that you want to see. iPads were not designed as cameras, and the camera was supposed to be an accessory, but some people decide to treat it as a camera. I guess it is okay if you have no alternative, but it is kind of annoying.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day Eighty-nine, June Twenty-eighth

Dollar stores. Dollar stores sell the worst quality items, that usually are not functional. Although the prices are appealing, nothing in there is worth it because it is all of such low quality (with the exception of food). Dollar stores also smell awful, and make you feel sick. There should be standards for the air quality inside stores, and they should be closed if they do not meet it. Anyways, dollar stores are awful places, and should be avoided at all costs.

Friday 27 June 2014

Day Eighty-eight, June Twenty-seven

Gas lawnmowers on small urban lawn. Why would you use a gas lawnmower on a small lawn, where it is really not needed? A push mower would be just as easy, and would disturb the neighbours much less. Gas lawnmowers on small lawns cost more, create more noise, and harm the environment.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Day Eighty-seven, June Twenty-sixth

When people think it okay to squish images. Distorted images are not okay, and are one of the most annoying things in life. It makes it difficult to concentrate on the content of the image, because too much thought is going into hating on the person who squished it in the first place. It can make a perfectly good image completely useless, and unusable. It is better to have an image that doesn't quite fit in the desired space then to squish it to fit in the space.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day Eighty-six, June Twenty-fifth

Erasers on the back of pencils. These work for about twenty seconds, then completely disappear. You end up trying to erase with either a very dried out eraser, which leaves marks on your page, or with the eraser barely sticking out of the metal, so you end up scratching the paper. It would honestly be better if pencils did not have erasers on the back, so you wouldn't be tempted to use them.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Day Eighty-five, June Twenty-fourth

Telemarketers. I hate when I pick up the phone to answer to someone who barely speaks english telling me about an amazing new product or a prize I have won. Their efforts will never work on me, because as soon I pick up the phone and realize that it is not someone that I am interested in talking to, I ignore anything they have to say. Telemarketers make me scared to pick up the phone, and should be banned.

Monday 23 June 2014

Day Eighty-four, June Twenty-third

Non-regulation "frisbees." Nothing is more annoying that picking up a disc and throwing it around when it is the wrong weight and size. They do not fly normally, and are effected immensely by the wind. All discs that do not not weight 175 grams should be melted down to create real, correctly weighted discs.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Day Eighty-three, June Twenty-second

Ridiculous fonts. Using them should always be avoided, as these are not legible, and make it unpleasant to read. People are much less likely to read what you are trying to say, and will hate you. Stick to the following list (plus similar fonts): Times New Roman, Helvetica, and Arial for best results. It is very easy to avoid, and never needs to happen.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Day Eighty-two, June Twenty-first

When the bottoms of jeans get wet. This is extremely uncomfortable, and happens all the time. Whenever it rains, or even snows, and you are wearing jeans, they are almost guaranteed to get wet. You are miserable for the rest of the day, and cannot focus on anything, because of the wet cloth against your leg. This alone is an argument against wearing jeans.

Friday 20 June 2014

Day Eighty-one, June Twentieth

When people recieve a call or text and ask you if you reconize the number. Ninety-nine percent of the time you do not. I can remember my own number, and nothing else, and if it was me calling/texting then I would know. Canada 411 offers a service that allows you to search a number, and find the name and adress. This service can answer your question much better than I can, guaranteed, so don't bother.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Day Eighty, June Nineteenth

When audio is out of sync. This is very annoying, as it makes anything much more difficult to understand or enjoy. It is fairly common on YouTube videos, which is awful, and should really be fixed. It makes what could be a good video unbearable to watch, wasting all the energy that went into it. When making a video, make sure you take the extra time to perfectly sync your audio and video.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day Seventy-nine, June Eighteenth

When people talk or make noises when watching movies. It ruins the atmosphere, and is usually not necessary. It is much more pleasant if everyone is completely quite, so you can enjoy the movie. Laughing should not be something that is done out loud, as it really does need to be. Most sounds related to emotions demonstrated during movies are completely fake, so why would you do them? Just shut up.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day Seventy-eight, June Seventeenth

Special K and Rice Krispies. Both these products make for awful breakfasts. They are way too light, and just float to the top, it is hard to get them to mix with the milk as it is being poured in. This causes you to pour way too much milk, to try and accommodate the steadily rising serial. This is a hopeless battle, and you end up with a large, separated bowl of cereal. Both these cereals also go bad quite quickly. If you don't eat them fast enough (which I never do, as they are bad cereals) they start to become quite stale, rendering them inedible. There are many better cereals out there.

Monday 16 June 2014

Day Seventy-seven, June Sixteenth

People who worry too much about exams. They are really not that big of a deal, and aren't that hard. If you have actually been paying attention in class, there should not really be a reason to study. You definitely don't need several hours every night in the week preceding. This is overkill. Relax and take the exam, it works fine.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Day Seventy-six, June Fifteenth

When things require log in through Facebook. Websites or apps often ask you to do this, which is very annoying, as I never want these things to post on my behalf or something like that. There are loopholes that you can sometimes use like making posts visible to only you. It is still always better to sign in through something else though, or create an account through an email.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Day Seventy-five, June Fourteenth

Soccer players diving. It is very annoying to see people overreact to minor contact. Soccer players are even worse, as they are all pretty physically fit people, and not seriously injured very easily. This "diving" wastes time and is unpleasant for fans. There should be much harsher penalties for faking injuries.

Friday 13 June 2014

Day Seventy-four, June Thirteenth

How soccer fans are so loud/how broadcasting companies mix soccer games badly. If you watch a 
World Cup game on television, you immediately get turned off because of the volume of the background noise. It is almost unbearable, because the fans are so loud. After the first five or ten minutes, you get used to it and your brain blocks it out, but broadcasters should make an effort to make watching a soccer game as pleasant as possible, which currently, it is not.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day Seventy-three, June Twelfth

Single-ply toilet paper. This only exists in public bathrooms, because they are too cheap to buy anything useful. Single-ply toilet doesn't even fulfil its function. It usually breaks off, and feels very uncomfortable. This is probably the number one reason that I avoid public bathrooms. It would be smart for them to provide more adequate toilet paper, as it would improve their approval greatly. It's definitely worth the extra bit of money to upgrade from single-ply to at least double-ply.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day Seventy-two, June Eleventh

Christmas lights at any time of year other than christmas time. It's understandable if you leave them up because you are too lazy to take them down, but when they are turned on, it is not okay. They are incredibly ugly and distracting, and remind you of christmas, which is generally something which is only tolerable to think about for about one month per year. Having christmas lights in a room will often cause a conversation about christmas to spark, or even, in extreme cases, cause people to break out into song, which is seriously not okay. Take them down or at the very least leave them off.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day Seventy-one, June Tenth

Tea. Why do people drink this lame, and flavourless beverage? Honesty, it just tastes like hot water. There is no real difference, and yet people drink it all the time, and even pay large amounts of money for it, when they could just take less than 1 cent worth of tap water and heat it up, causing the same effect.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day Seventy, June Nineth

Websites with horizontal scrolling. This is an awful feature that luckily, is getting less common. It's loss of popularity does not mean that it is okay. It is still incredibly annoying. To be fair, often it is not entirely the website's fault, as it was not designed for a screen as small as yours. Websites should be somewhat responsible for any size of screen though. Scroll wheels are not designed to go sideways, and sculling horizontally adds another element to reading a website which is annoying and confusing. On computers, it is definitely less common, but on phones, almost every website will require zooming in and scrolling in all directions unless it is mobile friendly.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Day Sixty-nine, June Eighth

White backgrounds on images. This is one of the most annoying things ever. People often take images off the webs and put them into projects or presentations without removing the white background. It looks awful, and doesn't blend in at all with the background. It is fairly easy to solve by using photoshop, or an online service (links below). Every minute you spend removing backgrounds is a very valuable minute, as it makes a huge difference.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day Sixty-eight, June Seventh

Those really tough stickers on top of new DVDs/Blurays, and CDs. They are way too difficult to get off and slow down the process of watching a new movie by a considerable amount. They don't peel off when you get started, but rather break apart into smaller stickers, making the effort useless. The only efficient way to open them is to use a knife, but then the sticker is still there, right overtop of the case, and can sometimes interfere wight he cover. These stickers should be abolished.

Friday 6 June 2014

Day Sixty-seven, June Sixth

When cashiers give you your receipt with your money. You are then forced to awkwardly separate them, usually with only one hand, as you are holding the purchased item. It would be much easier if they handed the change, gave you a chance to put it somewhere, then gave you the receipt. This is a very common and simple mistake that cashiers make, and differentiates a good cashier from a bad one.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Day Sixty-six, June Fifth

Having to stand for the national anthem. I understand that it is a way of showing love for you country. I really like my country, and respect it, but do not see the need to stand up and listen to a boring song for two minutes every day. It's not a very straightforward way to show love of one's country.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day Sixty-five, June Fourth

How not all classes have exams. Exams should be a part of any course. Lately, fewer and fewer high school courses have exams, which means that more projects have to be assigned to cover the percentage of the mark that would be usually covered by exams. This is much more work, and is not very effective at finding out how good someone is at the subject. In an exam, you can prove your knowledge, but on a big project, you can only show how hard you work. This has to be changed.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day Sixty-four, June Third

When you have to sleep somewhere without a digital clock with red numbers. This is a crucial device to sleep, because it can be checked almost without waking up, which is nice. The lights do not need to be turned on, and you don't have to actually do anything, just open your eyes slightly, and point your head in the right general direction. It makes sure that you don't wake up too early or too late. Without one, you constantly have to check the time during the night in some other means, causing a bad night of sleep.

Monday 2 June 2014

Day Sixty-three, June Second

Password requirements. It should be up to the user of the service whether or not they include numbers, symbols, or capitals. Every site having different requirements makes it hard to guess a password, because you don't know whether it includes these things, or if it common password that you use with added symbols. The website shouldn't care if your account is secure, as long as you can access it. Being locked out of an account really sucks. If every account had no requirements, you could have only four or five passwords, rather than four or five with four or five variants each.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Day Sixty-two, June First

How Adobe products cost so much. Why do they have to make their excellent software so expensive. It would make the world a better place if people could afford to use Photoshop instead of Paint. Or Premier Pro instead of Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. The prices are ridiculous, and unaffordable for any young person. The only people who can afford them are people who require them for their job or rich old people who aren't even able to turn on a computer. I am not criticizing the product, I just request that Adobe lowers their prices.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Day Sixty-one, May Thirty-first

People who leave time on the microwave. It's not okay to cancel your microwave and not reset it. It is very rude, and makes it difficult on the next person. It is really your responsibility to make sure that the microwave is completely ready for the next person.

Friday 30 May 2014

Day Sixty, May Thirtieth

Sports interviews. When has an athlete ever had anything interesting to say? They always say the same thing, that they will go out and play hard and do their best. This is a very boring message, and there is not need to hear it as often as it is played, as it is the expectation that you would go and play hard and do your best. No athletes ever think of anything creative or different to say when they get the opportunity. I think it would increase ad revenue during breaks if the interviews were engaging, keeping you at the TV, actually watching. They should really change the way they go about these interviews. It is not just the interviewee's fault, the interviewer also asks dumb and boring questions.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Day Fifty-nine, May Twenty-nineth

People who haven't seen the latest MC Dirtbag video. Trust me, it's worth it.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Day Fifty-eight, May Twenty-eighth

How there are never enough USB ports. I always find that i am wishing that my computer had more of them. Mine only has four, which is more than many computers, but still not enough. There should be at least six on any computer. On my computer, I have at least three permanently plugged in, a printer, a dvd/cd drive, and a cable for my phone or other micro-usb device. This leaves room for only one memory key, camera cable, or whatever else is needed. This is an impractical system that needs to be fixed.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day Fifty-seven, May Twenty-seventh

When people blame refs for losing sporting events. It usually is not their fault, and whatever call the "missed" would not have made a real impact. This is just an excuse for bad play, and not deserving to win the game. After any major sports event, if you go to the city where people support the losing side, I guarantee that they will be talking about the bad refereeing, regardless of whether or not the refereeing was acceptable. People just don't like to admit that their team lost in an even match.

Monday 26 May 2014

Day Fifty-six, May Twenty-sixth

Flutes. Why would anybody play this lame, and painful instrument? It can play way too high, higher than where the legal limit should be. It makes you cringe. It's so small and has such a lame, boring sound. I have no respect for flutes. It should be banned, or at least contained to quarantined rooms.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Day Fifty-five, May Twenty-fifth

When you have to sit on the floor. There are no comfortable positions on the floor, except for lying down, which is generally not acceptable. A couple minutes is tolerable, but any more does not work, as your knees start to hurt and you can't stand it anymore. Why can't people allow you to sit on a chair, or stand up, which are much more comfortable and natural positions?

Saturday 24 May 2014

Day Fifty-four, May Twenty-fourth

When you wear a hat for too long. Eventually, you stop being able to detect whether or not you are still wearing a hat. You have to reach up and check, which is kind of awkward. It engrains the shape of the hat into you head and takes a long time to recover.

Friday 23 May 2014

Day Fifty-three, May Twenty-third

Being woken up. It is fine if can wake yourself up, because there is no startling moment. You get out of bed when you are ready. Alarm clocks cause anxiety, and are very unpleasant to wake up to. I understand that if you need to wake up at an unreasonable hour, it could be useful, but how could you stand it every day? Waking yourself up is much better for your sleep.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Day Fifty-two, May Twenty-second

When people are late. Why do people think that is okay to arrive at a destination later than you were expected? It is not. When people are late, you have to be prepared, but just have to wait, ready at any moment. It also makes it close to impossible to plan things, because you never know when they are going to start. When I am going to be late, I start sprinting, be cause I have an obligation at a certain place at a certain time. Im am expected to be there. Almost everyone ignores this important rule.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day Fifty-one, May Twenty-first

Try-hards. These people who devote hundreds of out of school hours working on schoolwork are always annoying. They ruin the system. School should measure how smart you are, but these people throw off the scale, because someone of average intelligence can study and do homework so that they appear  higher than they actually are. They also annoy me because they take everything too seriously, and study for everything, even when it is not necessary. They don't realize what matters and what does not. If you are one of these people, improve your life and that of those around you by stopping studying and doing too much in the way of homework and projects.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day Fifty, May Twentieth

White glue. How do people tolerate using this messy, inefficient method of attaching things together?It is a very weak adhesive, and smells awful. The mechanism on any glue bottle after about a day is guaranteed to be completely clogged. It also gets everywhere except where you want it, causing a mess. It makes paper look weird. Anything is better than white glue in terms of adhesives.

Monday 19 May 2014

Day Forty-nine, May Nineteenth

How people expect me to know all my types of eggs. There are so many, and if you do not really eat any of them, you don't really end up learning them. I mostly just eat scrambled eggs, so I have no real reason to learn any other types. The names are also quite confusing, because they are not obvious. For example, why is it called an easy-over? Scrambled eggs are scrambled. That makes sense. No one should expect me to know my types of eggs. Also, they should be named better.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Day Forty-eight, May Eighteenth

Key signatures with lots of sharps. Why would you torture musicians by forcing them to play in very undesirable keys? Sharps are much worse than flats because no one likes them. Flats appeal to trombones, tubas, and flutes, but no one would have reason to prefer a sharp. The exact key is kind of irrelevant. Don't put a song in F#, when you could take it down a semi-tone and play it in F, which is a very appealing key.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Day Forty-seven, May Seventeenth

Things that start late. Why wouldn't they just start earlier. Everyone would be more attentive and then could go home after and sleep for a reasonable number of hours. It doesn't make sense, yet people insist on it.

Friday 16 May 2014

Day Forty-six, May Sixteenth

Walking with slow people. This makes it impossible to get anywhere at a reasonable speed. Some people do not understand the desire to move quickly. You want to speed up, but you know that that would be rude. When alone, I walk at 8-9 kph, which is quite fast, and I am willing to walk at 5-6, but anything slower is ridiculous, and I might as well walk separately, so I don't get so annoyed. I advise all the slow people out there to speed up.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Day Forty-five, May Fifteenth

When websites don't list prices for items, in accessible places. If I was doing research on an item, than I would like to know the price, which is almost never available on their own official website. I would have to go to Amazon or something like that to find the price, which is a pain because it is easy to mix up the American and Canadian prices, and all the information that you might find on a different site is not available. It would simplify everything if the original website listed an estimate of the price, so you could know what to expect.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day Forty-four, May Fourteenth

Notifications about properly ejecting a USB key. My research has concluded that it does no real damage unless the device is in the process of transferring files. This is usually not the case. Why do they spam us with these annoying messages when there is no risk?

Monday 12 May 2014

Day Forty-three, May Thirteenth

Miracle Whip. This common condiment is completely disgusting, and has no place anywhere near food. It should be banned, as when applied, ruins whatever it touches. This causes waste of perfectly good food. Real mayonnaise, or even your standard Hellman's, taste quite good and are a good addition to almost any sandwich. Miracle whip should not be classified as mayonnaise, because it is completely different, and infinitely more revolting.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Day Forty-two, May Twelfth

The very limited and out of date choices for reading material in high school. The books in the curriculum have not changed for more than fifty years, causing all of them to be no longer relevant. They bore students and make them hate English. Especially Shakespeare. All the others are only one book, and can be dealt with, but having to read shakespeare for four years straight is hell. It makes it easy for students (and teachers) to not read the books because it is so easy to find resources online. If there were no required books, people would actually have to read them and it wouldn't be so boring. No one wants to have to read the same crap as every other student in North America.

Day Forty-one, May Eleventh

When pencil leads are off centre. If you have an off-centre pencil, you should throw it out, since it will just cause you harm. Sharpening does little, and won't help make it useable. The little bit of wood on the side prevents the lead from making contact with the paper, which defeats the purpose of a pencil. Off-centre pencils are garbage, and more measures should be taken to avoid them in manufacturing.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Day Forty, May Tenth

When I forget to write my blog until the afternoon. This happens regularly, and is a serious problem, as my loyal followers have no chance to read their daily dose of annoyance until it is too late. My followers deserve better than that. I will try to change my ways.

Friday 9 May 2014

Day Thirty-nine, May Ninth

Bad sound quality, and people who claim that they can't notice it. This is a common issue because it is everywhere. Wherever you go, you will see people not questioning the devices with awful sound quality which they are voluntarily using. How can you not tell the difference between a nice pair of headphones and a stock pair of earbuds. If you have never really experienced high-quality audio equipment, you should try something better, because I guarantee that you music will sound much better. Don't tell me that you don't notice it unless you are legitimately deaf, because you are lying to yourself to avoid a monetary investment.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Day Thirty-eight, May Eighth

Pets. What is the appeal of having an extra thing to deal with every day? I have never had one, but it seems that it would be ay to much work, with no benefit. Animals are also quite intimidating, and would make one less comfortable in their own house, which is not a good thing.  So many people take on this unnecessary chore, and then get hooked. Pets are like a drug. If you had never had one in the first place, your life would be better. Don't give in to the pressure, it's not worth it.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day Thirty-seven, May Seventh

Songwriters and DJs don't get any credit for songs. Today, in the world of hip-hop and pop music, the vocalists/rappers get all the credit when really, they do much less work then the people behind the scenes. The songwriters are what make the song catchy, not the front man. The DJs and recording engineers do almost all of the work on the recording, because the beats take a lot of work, and so does all the mastering of the recording. In a pop song, it is expected that the singer will sing out of tune, and the recording engineer has to manually tune all the notes. These behind the scenes people deserve more credit.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Day Thirty-six, May Sixth

The little bit of water on top of mugs after they have been on top of the dishwasher. When you are emptying the dishwasher, and are very dry and warm, a splash of cold water will suddenly hit you. This is caused by bad design on the part of mug manufacturers. They are designed so that when they are upside-down, they collect a puddle of water, that usually goes unnoticed until it spills. IKEA has dealt with this problem (as depicted below) on most of their mugs, showing their superiority over all other mug manufacturers. This is a serious issue which should be addressed.

Monday 5 May 2014

Day Thirty-five, May Fifth

When people order a coffee or a dessert after a restaurant meal. It slows down the whole process, and forces you to stay at the table for another 20 minutes. There is always someone at the table who wants to leave after the meal or someone waiting for the table. Once you have devoted an hour to a restaurant meal that should be enough, and everyone should respect that it is time to go. Don't be the person who wastes everyone's time.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Day Thirty-four, May Fourth

Coffee addicts. So many people have serious addictions to this seemingly harmless, but very powerful drug. It is a serious problem, that effects many people, who don't even question it. Many people say that they "can't do anything until they have their coffee," which shows their extreme dependance. It is also quite expensive, because many people spend several dollars a day, without thinking that the expense could be cut completely. More annoying than the people who ruin their own lives with coffee, are the people who won't shut up about it, and promote the drug to others. Kids are getting hooked at ridiculously young ages, because they think it makes them mature. If not banned outright, coffee should only be served to ages 18 or older. As for the side effects, coffee can cause strokes, heart disease, and can damage blood vessels. The dangers are not a joke. Take a minute to think how dependant you are on this substance, and try to eliminate it from your life all together.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Day Thirty-three, May Third

When people don't know how to properly deal cards. Cards are dealt face down, one at a time, in a clockwise manner. Anything other than this is wrong. Often you see people counting out a given number of cards and giving them all to one person, and repeating until everyone has cards. This makes it likely that people will have not randomized hands, because of clumps of similar cards from previous games that have managed to stick together through the shuffling phase. If you are going to play cards, you should know how to deal because not only does it look bad, but it can ruin the game.

Friday 2 May 2014

Day Thirty-two, May Second

Having to know people's ages/birthdays. I don't see a reason why I should have to know some irrelevant number related to the birth of my family. I am proud to say that before being told this morning, I would not have know that it was my own sister's birthday or how old she was. These dates and numbers mean nothing, and have no place in my brain, because they are unimportant. There should be no pressure to memorize any of them.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Day Thirty-one, May First

Screen savers. Why can't the monitor just turn off? Screen savers do nothing but distract people and waste electricity. There is no need for colourful pixels to dance around on your screen. Screen savers are interesting to watch, but waste a lot of time. They seem cool, but then you realize what you have been looking at for several minutes. Screen savers do not save the screen. What saves the screen is turning the monitor off when it is inactive.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Day Thirty, April Thirtieth

People who don't walk on escalators. So many lazy people decide that they do not want to walk up an escalator. It should not be an option. You are making it difficult for people who are trying to actually get places to get through. If there is an escalator full of lazy, immobile vegetables, than it is faster to use the stairs, which is more work. Escalators (and moving sidewalks) should be viewed as devices to speed up the process of walking rather than ways of getting places without doing any work.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Day Twenty-nine, April Twenty-nineth

Jewel cases for CDs. They are very badly designed, and really could not be much worse. The whole case is held together by two flimsy pieces of plastic that are very prone to breaking. The plastic used is way too rigid, and cracks and snaps all the time. A softer plastic could be used, and it would work much better. The jewel case was not designed with any thought, but still is the most common way to store CDs.

Monday 28 April 2014

Day Twenty-eight, April Twenty-eighth

Apple earbuds. It is impossible to design worse, less comfortable earbuds, yet they are the most common type of earbuds ever. How do people manage to listen to these, let alone let them in your ears. All earbuds are uncomfortable, but you should at least get ones with rubber pads. Apple has revolutionized the crappy earbud with this awful design, that can ruin the experience of listening to music.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Day Twenty-seven, April Twenty-seventh

Obsession with the royal family. Why do so many people follow these government-payed idiots? We are in a century where the UK is a democracy, and in not governed by monarchs. What is stranger is that many people outside of the UK are just as interested. I find it disgusting how the government pays these people to be figureheads and create boring news stories. The people of the UK should rebel and take back all the possessions and money of the family in revenge for the hundreds of years of oppression. Let queen Betty live on the street, because she and her family have done nothing to deserve their fortune.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Day Twenty-six, April Twenty-sixth

Speaker Phone. This awful invention makes it possible for people to share their conversation with everyone in the area, usually without the knowledge of the person on the other end of the phone. If you are having a phone call, sometimes, it is nice to know who you are talking to. With speakerphone, anybody could also be on the other end. Also, sometimes you are in the area of someone with a phone call on speakerphone, and you have no choice but to listen to their conversation. No one should ever use it unless they are alone with only people who are interested in the conversation, and the person on the other end is informed of who else is listening.

Friday 25 April 2014

Day Twenty-five, April Twenty-fifth

Prezi. How do people manage to use this badly designed software when much better alternatives exist? Prezi is based online, which means that you are relying on the internet for your presentation, which is never a good idea. It looks awful, and makes your audience want to kill themselves. On a bad computer, it lags, and doesn't work properly. That's probably a good thing in the end, because it loses some of it's nauseating effect. One should never use this, when alternatives exist with none of the defects.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Day Twenty-four, April Twenty-fourth

Websites with "slideshows." Sometimes, when looking for a list of top 10s or something of that nature, you are forced to go to one of these sites. They start you on the last and least important slide and make you go through many webpages to get the first one. Every time you click the next arrow, it redirects you to a completely different page, boosting their views enormously, so they can make more on a advertising. Once you reach the end, you usually have not found what you were looking for, but you have to press "back" multiple times to get back to your search. Also, usually, when you are done a slideshow, if you accidentally press the arrow again, it sends you to a completely unrelated, and often embarrassing slideshow. After all this is done, their website has earned a spot on your top sites, because you have been to so many of their pages. Why don't they just make it one page?

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Day Twenty-three, April Twenty-three

When people put spoilers on their Pontiac Sunfires. Often, you see these ridiculous 90's cars riding around, lowered and with racing accessories. A Sunfire would be luck to drive much faster than 110 km/h. At this speed, there is no need for additional downforce. It just looks ridiculous and serves no real purpose.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Day Twenty-two, April Twenty-second

Ken Burns effect. This seemingly harmless effect that many people use on their slideshows is the root of all evil.  It is very hard to control, and many people are unable to remove it because of its deep integration in all slide show software. It makes it very difficult to focus on a photo, as it is moving all around. This can also cause nausea. It also usually cuts of a part of the photo, which can be a serious issue. One should never sell their soul to the devil by using this effect.

Monday 21 April 2014

Day Twenty-one, April Twenty-first

When people put files on discs. Why wouldn't you just use a USB stick? Discs are not reusable, and are more susceptible to be damaged in transportation. They take longer to prepare and cost more. Not all computers even have disc drives anymore. It doesn't make any sense. There are no advantages of using a disc, so you might as well use the more modern, standard, and easy method, yet some people still insist on using this ancient way of transporting files.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Day Twenty, April Twentieth

Vegetarianism. I could't care less if people didn't eat meat and left more for me. The problem is that they ruin it for everyone else. I live in a household in which one person has ruined their life by making the awful choice of giving up meat. This means often, it is easier to make all the food vegetarian, and I end up getting less meat. If you become vegetarian, you should get used to the idea that you will have to make your own food, because meat takes priority.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Day Nineteen, April Nineteenth

Microsoft Word. This is the most overrated piece of software ever. It is way more complicated than it needs to be and has a multitude of problems. It is much more effective to use a simple word processor like notepad. Google Docs is really the best, as it has a very effective sharing function as well as a  simple interface. It will save as you go, unlike Word, where you have to save manually, and it usually crashes when you try, causing you to lose all work. I don't understand why people use this awful software when there are much better alternatives available.

Friday 18 April 2014

Day Eighteen, April Eighteenth

Poster board school projects. This is a completely useless and time-wasting method of preparing a project. It requires printing things out,  gluing them and sometimes even writing things out by hand. Teachers should never force students to go through this torturous process, because it takes away from the actual learning. Also, poster boards cost money, unlike power points or write-ups. It is unreasonable to expect someone to spend money on a dumb poster board that they don't even want to make. Maybe it could work for kids in elementary school, because of their lack of computer knowledge, but in any grade past that, it is a huge mistake.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Day Seventeen, April Seventeenth

Having a light backpack. I need for a backpack to have a fair amount of weight, otherwise it is just uncomfortable and doesn't really have a presence. Also, weight shows that there are many things in there, at your disposal. A light backpack just flies around, and jumps from shoulder to shoulder. This is very annoying, and sometimes even causes you to momentarily forget that you have a backpack on. If your backpack is heavy enough, there is a constant pressure on each shoulder, stabilizing you and making it clear that there is indeed something on your back. I like to always make sure that my backpack has plenty of things in it, and is heavy enough to meet my standards.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day Sixteen, April Sixteenth

When people use pictures with watermarks. The whole point of a watermark is to make a picture unusable unless you pay for it. This is exactly what it does. It makes anything you do look very unprofessional and cheap. It is better to have a bad image than one with a watermark. You may not think that people really notice, but it is easy to see that you have not made an effort to be professional and make whatever you are doing look good. Often, watermarks are used on online based video editing softwares. Do yourself a favour and buy some cheap software. Even if the online one produces better looking videos, that is all lost because of the watermark. One should never use anything with a watermark for anything, ever.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day Fifteen, April Fifteenth

Flies. Nothing is worse than a fly buzzing around you. I would prefer a mosquito. At least you can kill them easily. Flies just get away whenever you try to swat. A fly in a room makes in almost impossible to concentrate or do anything. Mao Zedong had it right when he ordered his people to meet a quota of dead flies. It probably increased the productivity of the country by 200%. We should implement this system worldwide, as it would produce global happiness. I don't know how people have dealt for this many years with these annoying pests.

Monday 14 April 2014

Day Fourteen, April Fourteenth

When people post Vines on Facebook. If I wanted to see your dumb seven-second videos, I would join vine. That would be a more logical system. Vines are really dumb, and are very rarely funny, or at all interesting. There is not enough time to make something good, and no one seems to care about the quality of the footage/editing. I find these vines more annoying than advertisements in my news feed. That is not what Facebook is for. There is an app for sharing seven-second videos. It's called "Vine."

Sunday 13 April 2014

Day Thirteen, April Thirteenth

Beats by Dr. Dre. How are people willing to spend upwards of 300 dollars on these fairly low-quality,very inaccurate headphones. All beats products contain built in equalizers which boost the highs and lows, which is something that people notice when comparing headphones, and will equate to being better. The sound is not at all what you are supposed to be listening to. When you compare with other headphones, they will sound different, and an inexperienced headphone shopper would assume that one with more bass would be better. This is not a bad rule if the things you are buying are under $10 but when buying expensive headphones, you should look for a flat frequency response, rather than an elevated bass. They also use this trick on all cell phones and computers with audio by Beats. Beats are manufactured by Monster, which is a notoriously bad company. Monster makes low quality audio accessories, that are overpriced. One should never buy any "high-end" audio products with built-in equalizers. Buy yourself some nice headphones.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Day Twelve, April Twelfth

When people use leaky headphones. What is more annoying than being stuck with someone listening to music on their headphones, when you can hear half of it. It would almost be more tolerable if they were to play the music out loud. Only being able to hear the music partially is very unpleasant, because you can't enjoy it, but it is still a presence. This is generally a problem with cheap headphone and on-ear headphones, which is a topic that I will get to later. By using leaky headphones, you are making life worse for everyone around you.

Friday 11 April 2014

Day Eleven, April Eleventh

The very broad range of things that people classify as a salad. Salad is a term that could make sense. People could use it to describe savory mixtures of leafy greens with a somewhat acidic dressing served at room temperature. This is not the case though, and people will be willing to call almost anything a salad. The situation is getting out of control. When someone says that there will be a salad available, that could range anywhere from a bowl of pasta, that is really no different from normal pasta to a mixture of fruits, that are sweet, with little or no dressing. You might also find a large jello dish filled with odd items such as pretzels, vegetables, and mayonnaise. The term is becoming much too general, and is is becoming to understand what anybody means anymore. One cannot claim that they like salads, because at this point in the history of gastronomy, pretty much anything can be a salad. Try to avoid calling your weird foods salads because it really throws people off.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Day Ten, April Tenth

When people say "literally" and don't mean it at all. The word "literally" was designed to explain that something is exactly true. Sometimes, you hear people using it connected with ridiculous hyperboles, which is a completely wrong way to use the word, as it means pretty much the opposite of how it is being used. An example is if someone were to say "The school is literally 1000 years old" it is completely obvious that this is not true, yet the word "literally" is used. There are other ways that the same sentence could be said, for example, "The school is probably 1000 years old" or simply "The school is 1000 years old." Both of those phrases are just as effective, and correct. It's almost as people don't know what the word really means.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day Nine, April Ninth

Gherkins pickles. I am astounded by the number of people who are willing to eat these vomit-inducing, inedible things. Before I ever tried one, I had no idea that a simple cucumber could taste so bad, but I was surprised by that what I had deemed impossible was so common, and even popular. As far as my research says, they undergo a very similar process to normal pickles, which leads me to wonder what goes on, because they are on opposite ends of the tastiness spectrum. What is even worse is that often, you are served them at restaurants on the side, and you expect a normal pickle. After you take the first bite, the rest of your meal will inevitably be plagued with the gross aftertaste. Restaurants lose my business if they make this simple, yet powerful mistake. If you have never tried one, save yourself the misery and stay clear for the rest of your life.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Day Eight, April Eighth

Monopoly. Why do people even play this dumb game. As far as I can tell, there is little to no strategy, and you can waste upwards of five hours repetitively rolling dice, and in the end someone wins the useless title of being able to roll dice that happen to land on fortunate numbers the most often. Congratulations. That is if the the game ends, which it usually doesn't. This is probably one of the worst, and most overrated games of all time. Learn to play a real game. There are worse board games (snakes and ladders style games) but at least when you finish playing you haven't wasted a valuable chunk of your life. The obsession with this game is odd, because in no way is it a gratifying game, and can be played by a two-year-old.

Monday 7 April 2014

Day Seven, April Seventh

The Source. This excuse for a store offers possibly the biggest ripoffs ever. For example, if you go in to buy a female-to-female 1/8th inch audio cord, then you will end up paying at least 25$ for a piece of crap, that might only work for a year. If you were to buy the same cord online, you could probably get a higher quality one for less than a dollar. Now why would you shop at The Source? Even if you need the item right then, it is somehow cheaper to go to a higher end store, whether it be a store that stocks thousand dollar stereos, or builds custom PC's with quality in mind, I can guarantee that you will find something much better for less. People seem to not realize this ridiculousness, and waste hundreds of dollars every year. I think a boycott is called for until they cut all their prices on accessories to 90% off or thereabouts.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Day Six, April Sixth

Unnecessary wireless devices. So many devices pride themselves in being wireless (mice, trackpads, keyboards, headphones) when really, that is the exact opposite of what a consumer wants. If you own a wireless device, you have to change the batteries very frequently, always at the least opportune times. Just when you need them most, they die, forcing you to make a frantic dash to find some batteries. There is no benefit of wireless, it just makes it more complicated to connect, and provides slower and less reliable results. The wireless aspect of all these devices is a flaw, not a strong point.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Day Five, April Fifth

Shallow cereal bowls. How do people manage to eat cereal out of receptacles which are only an inch deep and have a rim? A proper cereal bowl should be at least three to four inches deep, and have almost vertical walls. Large rims can prohibit one from being able to drink the milk left at the bottom. I guess if you eat the lame, malnourishing serving size, you might be able to fit it into a bowl like that, but anyone who eats cereal as their primary source of breakfast will know that around 8 times the serving size is necessary for and adequately sized meal. This is impossible with the small bowl, without an unreasonable amount of servings. I am amazed by the number of people who do not realize this and use the wrong type of bowl for cereal.

Friday 4 April 2014

Day Four, April Fourth

When people say that spring is their favourite season. That's just what you've been taught to say. No one actually means it. Spring is the biggest lie of all time. Take a look out your window (if you are in a somewhat northern country; remember, this blog is Canada specific) and enjoy the view of grey snowbanks, all the litter from the winter finally revealed, and dead grass. This is spring. What people think of (flowers, warmth, rabbits) all happens in a span of around two weeks, and then summer takes over. If you average out the pleasantness, you will find that spring is in fact, the most unpleasant, ugliest season. Anyone who says that it is the best season is just plain wrong.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Day Three, April Third

When people don't know their types of pasta. It's really quite simple. Pasta is divided into many different shapes, all with their unique names. Spaghetti and Linguini are not the same thing. Simply calling something "noodles" is not good enough. They are very easily identifiable, but most people have really not taken the time to educate themselves. For example, if someone was to ask me if I would like some Penne, I would probably say yes, but it would be completely possible that they would actually mean Rigatoni, but didn't know the difference. Now I would be stuck with some pasta, that had a much larger circumference than I had been expecting, and it would be somewhat disappointing. All because of people's ignorance.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Day Two, April Second

Medleys. No one actually likes them, and they ruin every song involved. The transitions are always awful, and none of the songs ever work together. Just when you are getting into the groove, or starting to actually enjoy something, it changes. Whoever invented the medley should have been shot.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Day One, April First

When people call earbuds headphones. Seriously, there is a large difference, and you would have to be dumb not to see it. One produces rich, colorful sound, while the other awkwardly sits in your ear blasting tinny, inaccurate sound. Learn the difference people.